Introduction of Pen Pointe


The BABFOYA (Building a Business for Our Young Adults) program is a 8-week program where Pen Pointe Foundation mentors teens and young adults on financial responsibility, life choices, and helps them prepare a business plan for the business that the group chooses to open. Inside the 8-week program we teach the importance of money management, check book balancing, opening up a bank account, starting a business, filing the proper articles for a corporation or LLC, drinking and texting while driving, raising a family and it’s values, the consequences of one’s transgression and the cost of troubles that are easy to get in but hard to get out of. To the participants in the class that needs a driver’s license and or want to learn how to drive, Pen Pointe will sponsor them and pay all fees due, with the exception of them having to take a DUI and a victim impact panel class. Two of our participating teens that can produce documents showing enrollment of 6 hours of college credit hours in a Community or University college will receive $500.00 towards a down payment on their first car. We will also sponsor each member of the chosen company with a $100.00 to open up a banking account with one of Pen Pointe Foundation bank institute sponsors. At the end of the 8-week program we will host several fundraiser events to raise money to open up the business for the group. We will assist in preparing a business plan that is essential to open up the business in the group name only and take the proceeds from the fundraiser events to open up a business account for their business.The BABFOYA program was developed to help our teens and young adults build a business and understand financial and family values, which are needed in their generation today, as it enables them to become financially stable and more family structured.WEEK 1


  • Introduction of Pen Pointe
  • Pair individuals into groups
  • Talk about life choices
  • Discuss potential business for each group to open
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